Donkey Breeds


Country: Gujarat, India

  • These donkeys are found in Kachchh District of Gujarat.
  • Coat colour is mainly grey (dorsal surface grey & ventral surface white) followed by white, brown and black.
  • Forehead is convex.
  • Nasal bone is straight.
  • Height at wither ranges from 77 to 115cm.
  • Docile in temperament.
  • Only donkey used for agricultural purpose like Inter cultivation for weed removing. Also utilized for transportation as donkey cart, as pack animal during pastoralist migration, etc. Can carry approx. 80-100 Kg on back and can pull 200-300 Kg on cart.
  • Population size is approximately 1700.

Country: Gujarat , India

  • Native to Saurashtra region of Gujarat.
  • These donkeys are white in colour.
  • Muzzle and hooves are black.
  • Forehead is mostly convex.
  • Halari donkey has a strong built and large size with an average height at wither of 108cm in males and 107cm in females, and average body length of 117cm in males and 115cm in females.
  • These donkeys are very docile in temperament, and are used as pack animals during pastoralist migration and for transportation as donkey cart.
  • Halari Donkey can walk approx. 30-40 km in a day during migration.

Country: Himachal Pradesh, India

  • Lahaul and Spiti region of Himachal Pradesh
  • Spiti donkey is found in Lahaul and Spiti region of Himachal Pradesh. 
  • The breed is utilized for transportation at high altitude (around 3500m above MSL) area with low level of environmental oxygen.
  • These animals can survive well in scarcity of feed and fodder during harsh winter months when the area is completely snow bound.
  • The breed is utilized for transportation at high altitude (around 3500m above MSL) area with low level of environmental oxygen.
  • These animals can survive well in scarcity of feed and fodder during harsh winter months when the area is completely snow bound.