Artificial Insemination

Pregnancy Diagnosis

After natural/artificial insemination, pregnancy testing is important. Equine owner can get the pregnancy test done by the rectal palpation examination/ultrasonography/serum-based hormonal assay test. In view of the advantages and disadvantages of each technology, the farmers can choose any of the techniques given below.

  • Old, economical and well established method for pregnancy diagnosis in mares
  • Diagnose the pregnancy as early as 18th day of conception and more precisely by 25th to 30th
  • Visualization of the conceptus is possible from day 14 of pregnancy.
  • Not used very frequently under field conditions as ultrasound scanner is costly and require expertise.
  • ECG based ELISA for pregnancy diagnosis is simple and economical as it does not involve the transport of the animal and avoids extra stress.
  • Effective in diagnosing the pregnancy between days 35 and 125 of gestation.